Saturday, March 15, 2008

Mayor Richard M. Daley Has A Plan For America…

What’s not to loathe about this little un-American? What person in their right mind would live in, pay taxes in or do business with the City of Chicago? This city is my birthplace but is now a place to avoid while under control of this dictator.


  1. I always enjoy watching these hypocrites with their armed security details tell the rest of us how guns are bad. Blagojevich is right up there with this stuttering midget.

  2. Paul It's been rumored the mayor has 20 + armed CPD officers assigned to his personal protection. I wonder how much that costs the tax payers every year? Burke has 6.

  3. Paul , I like you came from Chicago. But when I retired in 2000 from the CPD I moved to Arkansas three days after I retired . Because of that little "TURD" mayor and all his tax on everything he could tax . Then we have the Cook County "NITWIT" and all his commisioners who have taxed the hell out of everything they could. Why in the hell would anyone want to live in Chicago or for that matter Cook County is beyond me.Then the mayor ruins the morale of the Police Dept. by giving the top job to a banjo playing look-a-like from Deliverence . WTF ! I hope the city folds with all the tax that they impose on the people it's going to be a ghost town sooner then later.

  4. Great u-tube post. Ive been bitching about those words of his
    for a week now on the other blogs!
    Ive already got images of clout-heavy storm troopers puting people on the cattle cars. Also middle-class people being home-invaded by the gangs because they're unarmed.
    Where's the ACLU on this one? Because this jagoff cant control crime in his city, he wants the whole Country disarmed?
    HEIL dALEY!!!!!

  5. As you know Paul those of us on the CPD must live in this city. Me I'm a disabled PO who patiently waits every year for the State of Illinois to vote in a raise for those of us on disability. Never happens and we go years without a raise but the assholes in Springfield who are led and controlled by Daley, Madigan etc in Chicago can keep bringing up more useless gun laws to vote on and of course more taxes(10&1/4% sales tax) To all the liberals out there and all the college students who want to vote for Obama for president because "he gives us hope or we need change" all very good reasons to vote for him(yeah right)remember the man is a bought and paid for Daley Machine corrupt puppet from the most politically corrupt City and State in America. This video shows the true Democrat Party agenda, to disarm the American people and remove the 2nd ammendment. Remember all you liberals and college students when one ammendment goes the rest will not be far behind. God help Chicago the CPD and America. Paul have you sent this to the NRA?


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