Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Lucky Homicide Detectives Escaped Death After Failing To Search A Prisoner

This is a notorious video that hit the Internet shortly after this December 19, 2003 incident was caught on tape by an interrogation room camera. The person who let this clip out will face serious professional and legal problems if he or she is found.

Ricardo Alfonso Cerna was suspected of shooting a policeman twice in the abdomen. He was subsequently arrested and brought into the San Bernardino Sheriff's Department for interrogation.

Every single cop involved with the arrest and transportation of Cerna failed to search him and by the grace of God he did not open fire on the unarmed detectives before he shot himself in the head with a .45 1911. This illegal alien became a good alien in an instant.

This is a real suicide by a gun, VIEWER DESCRETION IS ADVISED!

1 comment:

  1. paul i know one of those cops, and i didn't know this was avble on utube. thanks man, i will keep his one going.


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