Thursday, January 24, 2008

You Know Your Country is In Deep Trouble When…

Every non-taxpaying, deadbeat in America gets $300.00 free money in the form of a “tax rebate” even if they never paid a dime in taxes.

Making America’s hard working taxpayers pay for this outrage in beyond insane. This is nothing more than a very tired Marxist idea to redistribute wealth.

We don’t need a tax rebate. What we need is a leaner and more efficient government with fewer bureaucrats putting their greedy hands in our pants.

The freeloaders who are given $300.00 of their fellow American’s money will simply use it for illegal drugs, liquor or bail bonds.


  1. Ouch! Nancy Pelosi is hotter than a steaming bucket of fecal vomit!

  2. I'd hit it.....Bill Clinton

  3. Man,I really stretched out that bee-yotch's mouth!Sorry bout dat!


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