Sunday, September 09, 2007

Juror Misconduct and the Phil Spector Trial

Should the Spector jury somehow return a guilty verdict some members of that jury will find themselves in some very hot water. I know that members of the jury have been on their home computers reading blogs, media accounts and doing research on Phil Spector. After all they are human and who wants to give up the Internet for a long drawn out trial?

Should a conviction occur, you could count on the jury member’s computer records getting publicly examined. When the defense team finds the evidence and they will it will cause both a mistrial and a major legal problem for those jurors found in violation.

Of course that won’t matter if the jury returns a Not Guilty verdict. Nobody will care what those jurors did at night and on weekends. Somehow I think that the jury can be counted on to do the right thing and acquit Phil Spector.

Read all my articles on Phil Spector right here.


  1. Somehow I suspect that Spector's well paid investigators already have some of those compyter ISP records as insurance...

  2. Paul Why do I think you are sending a message to a juror or two that have been on your blog reading about Phil Spector?

  3. As a defense investigator it’s always great to have a big budget to do everything you’d ever think to do. I know if I was Spector’s investigator I’d know more about jury members than they know about themselves. I would have found out where and how they access the internet. Yes, I would already have evidence of juror chicanery as a big fat insurance policy.

    I really don’t think that that kind of material will ever see the light of day because reasonable doubt is more than abundant here. I just don’t see Phil Spector being convicted on this razor thin case

  4. It would be naive to believe all of the jurors have refrained from reading and listening to media reports about this trial. No doubt some have been online and I hope they read your blog because it is honest. The worst they could read online is Court TV message boards, which consist of a mostly venomous group of prosecution groupies campaigning for a guilty verdict. They do the same thing during most trials.
    I agree with you that not guilty is the only correct verdict for Phil Spector.

  5. Geragos should have done the same investigation of the idiots on the Scott Peterson jury. Many have suspected they were chatting on the Court TV site and blogs.

  6. This is interesting to say the least. The implications are that thousands of guilty verdicts accross the country could be set aside if the defendants have the money to do this kind of investigation. You know that this internet misconduct is widespread.

  7. I wonder how many members of the Spector jury read this over the weekend. Oh oh.


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