Saturday, September 08, 2007

The Interview Judge Fidler does not want anyone to see!

Phil Spector may be caught in a very dark storm right now, but there is a bright light in his life. That light is his young, supportive and delightful wife, Rachelle Spector. Rachelle has been sharing the horror of her husband’s dangerous and lonely journey through the California criminal justice system.

Yesterday morning to the chagrin of the prosecutors and Judge Larry Paul Fidler, Rachelle Spector gave an interview to Court TV. Since the interview was not some hatemonger vilifying Phil Spector Judge Fidler threatened to impose a gag order. That was just another obvious effort by the judge to help prosecutors win a conviction to the peril of fairness and simple decency.

Here is that interview in two parts: (Thanks Duane!)

Read all my articles on Phil Spector right here.


  1. I bet Larry Fidler ain't got no little hottie like Phil does!

  2. I heard that Spector prosecutor Pat Dixon is into that Anthony Pellicano crap up to his eyeballs.

    The Los Angeles DA and Superior Court is nothing more than a giant whore house. Spector does not need a lawyer just a fixer. Pay up or go to prison.

  3. the Anthony Pellicano case is being prosectuted for the Federal Gov, the US Attys office and the FBI.

    we have to admit (even knowing i dont agree with filders bias.) that phils wife has only known him just since lanas death. she knows him no doubt on his now best behavior. i gotta be fair,

    but regardless, i would now aquit him.

  4. Why is Judge Larry Fidler getting on Rachelle Spector's case for speaking out on TV and showing her support for her husband?

    Why is this trial and the TV and press surrounding it so one sided?

    Is the Government - trying to help the Prosecution by only having a negative and dehumanizing point of view against the defendant Spector with all those horrifyingly biased television anchors and newspaper reports.

    In any society that is unfair the victim of unfairness is maligned and dehumanized prior to the torture (execution) and during it so as to justify the torture.

    I thought in America a person was innocent until proven guilty? Has this concept eroded just recently ?


Be relevant, intelligent, and please leave out the four letter words.