Saturday, September 08, 2007

Did Judge Larry Paul Fiddler Drop The Ball On The Spector Case?

I noticed that Judge Larry Paul Fidler gives the usual admonishment to the jury every time they leave the jury box for any reason. They are not to discuss the case or read newspapers, listen to radio or watch TV news broadcasts about the Phil Spector trial. I guess that technology; Internet blogs or YouTube has not caught up with Judge Fidler or vise versa.

I never once saw the jury being admonished to stay away from blogs and Internet video sites. Was this an error? Could the case end in a mistrial because the judge did not admonish the jury members to stay off the blogs and such? I don’t think there is a simple answer to my question.

1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine why Judge Fidler didn't include the Internet in his admonition to jurors. He left the door wide open to online investigation by jurors and a mistrial is in order once again.
    Fidler is a disgrace to the judicial system in the way he has orchestrated this trial to culminate in a guilty verdict for an innocent man.
    I pray the jurors will see that this case is all about career and image boosts for the the judge, district attorneys and their well-coached witnesses.


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