Thursday, June 21, 2007

Paris Hilton Should Be Treated Just Like Anyone Else—Sure

Okay, we’ve heard from all of the angry folks that demanded Paris Hilton “pay” for her crimes related to DUI, driving while her license was suspended and a probation violation just like anyone else.

When will they learn that Hilton is not just anyone? Hilton is indeed very special. Hilton’s first post-jail exclusive Today Show interview will bring her a cool $1 million bucks. Hilton can count another million for hosting a few Las Vegas, getting out of jail celebrations. I don’t think the demand for whatever it is that Paris Hilton has to end anytime soon.

For the little folks caught drunk behind the wheel they too will get some perks like getting fired from their jobs, and being deemed uninsurable by the auto insurance industry. Did any of the ordinary jail birds get truckloads of fan mail like Paris Hilton while doing their time in the Heartbreak Hotel?

Crime is not supposed to pay like a giant, over-stuffed slot machine unless you’re of course, Paris Hilton!

1 comment:

  1. Paul, when are you & Paris gonna make a film together?



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