Thursday, March 15, 2007

Two Gun-less Cops Gunned Down In New York City

Greenwich Village, NYC--New York Liberals hate guns and see no problem placing uniformed auxiliary police officers in harms way without guns and any meaningful way to defend themselves. Last night two young officers paid for that insane policy with their lives and a bad situation went beyond the gravest extreme. When it was over four people lay dead

Auxiliary Officer Nicholas Pekearo and Auxiliary Officer Yevgeniy Marshalik were shot to death when they followed a suspect who had just murdered a pizza shop employee. A killer armed with two guns had entered the shop, asked for a menu, and then shot the employee in the back multiple times after the man turned around.

New York is a place where only outlaws have guns and even some cops don’t.


  1. Tragic.

    I'd like to see the racist New York City Councilman, Charles Barron -ex black panther- run out of town on a rail for inciting riots.

  2. What a senseless tragedy. One of the slain officers was still a teenager. The only satisfaction in this is how swiftly justice came for the perpetrator, and that it saved New York taxpayers the cost of a trial.

    I am not familiar with how NYPD runs things, and am wondering if anyone reading this can explain the difference between an auxiliary and a regular officer and why these two unarmed officers were directed to detain a murder suspect. That's just insane to put them in harm's way like that.

  3. God bless both these young men.

    Here is info on Aux. Officers:

  4. it's my understanding that the auxiliary officers in NY wear uniforms very similar to those of the NYPD, BUT...they are volunteer (unpaid), and unarmed....supposedly they serve as the "eyes and ears" of the NYPD; in this case, it seems like the city led the lambs to slaughter...

  5. The difference from an auxiliary and police officers is that first and foremost they do not have guns, are unpaid, and the tranning is completly different. Auxiliaries are trained for 16 weeks which are composed of 12 weeks of training on the book issued and 4 weeks self defense which is all pretty much b.s. on the street.
    Unfortunitly the two auxiliarys that died were in the wrong place wrong time, they were not sent to detain the gun man in fact they are never sent to detain any one.
    Technically auxiliarys are suposed to be like watchman but over the years that has changed auxililaries do get into action and do things a police officer would do expecailly that they where the same uniform with minor differences. To correct myself saying they get into action means a fight, assualt,robbery but by all means not shots fired. They are trained if they here shots fired or the call comes over shots fired go in the different direction.
    Auxiliaries do much of the same actions as police officers just unarmed. As a current and active auxiliary police officer I think we should have and be trained for firearms just like any other auxiliary in America.

  6. I've seen no civil rights groups, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, etc. parading throught the streets of New York protesting two young Auxilliary officers deaths. OMG, had they been two blacks killed by the police ?? New York would have burned.

    I guess 2 police officers and white on top to top it off just doesn't matter....

    God Bless you guys........


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