Thursday, January 25, 2007

Erickson Case Figure Up For Re-Sentencing

Chicago--Two Deputy U.S. Marshals were killed during a wild 1992 escape attempt by bank robber Jeffrey Erickson. One was retired Chicago police officer Harry A. Belluomini and fellow marshal Roy Frakes.

Now an accomplice to the escape, Robert Burke is being re-sentenced for his part in this horrible crime. The family of hero, Harry A. Belluomini is asking for assistance from fellow coppers to let the trial Judge Rebecca Pallmeyer the gravity and impact of this crime on this close-knit police family and the entire community.

Below is a letter from Belluomini’s family:

Re: Robert BURKE 01CR1049

We are asking for your help, in writing letters of concern to Federal Judge Rebecca PALLMEYER, who will be presiding over a re-sentencing hearing on March 7th, 2007, regarding convicted federal prisoner Robert BURKE.

Our father, Harry A. BELLUOMINI was a retired Chicago Police Detective working at the Dirksen Federal Building for the U.S. Marshal Service, when on July 20th, 1992 he was shot and killed by Jeffery ERICKSON, an escaping bank robber. ERICKSON had used a smuggled handcuff key to release his handcuffs. He then disarmed a Marshal’s intern, shot and killed Deputy US Marshal Roy FRAKES, and shot our father, all occurring in the basement of the Federal Building. Our father was able to return fire before dying, mortally wounding ERICKSON. ERICKSON realizing that he was dying, took his own life on the ramp leading from the basement to Jackson Blvd that fateful afternoon.

During 2005 Robert BURKE was convicted of supplying the handcuff key, that facilitated ERICKSON’S attempted escape. (BURKE had been a fugitive, before his arrest, hiding in England before his extradition.) Judge Rebecca PALLMEYER presided over this trial and sentenced BURKE to the maximum penalty allowed by law. The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the conviction, and suggested that the case go back to the trial judge for possible reconsideration of the sentence.

We are asking that letters be sent to Judge Rebecca PALLMEYER, requesting that her initial sentence be maintained, and that BURKE be sentenced again to the maximum allowed by law.

Please address your letters as follows:
U.S. Probation Office
219 South Dearborn Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60604

With heart felt thanks,

Police Officer Karen BELLUOMINI-BLANC, assigned to Unit 050,
Police Officer Michael BELLUOMINI, assigned to Unit 059, and
Police Officer Anne BELLUOMINI, assigned to the 025th District.


  1. Thanks for the info. I remember that tragic day well.

  2. What was the original sentence?

  3. Can you get this up on SecondCityCop?

  4. His current projected release date is March of 2019

  5. Can we get a electronic petition going like that for Faulkner?

  6. Our police memorial posted this and also floated a banner on all the forums asking for everyone to send a letter in...

  7. All i have to say here is that the Belluomini family are some extremely classy and all round good people. RIP Harry, I will say a prayer for your family too.

  8. I went to school with Bill Frakes. There was a memorial golf event in Avon Illinois for a number of years in memory of this tragic event.

  9. There was a memorial golf event in honor of Bill Frakes for a number of years in Avon Illinois. Bill Frakes was one of the US Marshalls killed.

  10. MY prayers are with the people that were killed that day. Bob Burke is the most evil man I ever came in contact with. Can anyone tell me where Burke is being held? He con'd my mother and father out of all their savings and then threatened to kill my brother and sister if we said anything. I would appreciate any info. Thanks.

  11. Amiable brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.

  12. I was housed with Burke at the MCC in 2001, I testtified against him in 2002 and proud to have helped put him where he is now. Im not proud of having been locked up but was 3 days testifying for the government and saw the families of these officers in court. God Bless them and and all thier families. Im sure it wasnt easy for any of them to be present. Burke is still appealing his conviction and sentence and Im told by AUSA Diane Macarthur he should not be sucessful.

  13. Anything new on Robert Burke?

  14. To all of Harry's Family by Chris M. Pedersen. Please call 417-725-1259 and I'll tell you how I knew him at 219 Dearborn. My Quest for Justice against the Teamsters Union was the reason I was in the Building that day, whereas, Harry was excited that his daughter was about to get married or already had done so. I too loved him!

    If you knew what happened to my family and I, you would understand more as to why I loved him. That's why I want you to call me in SW Missouri.

    Its been alot of years but he was a great man to me and I'll explain why if you call.

    It's been 20 years or more, and I'll always remember his words too me when I was investigating court records in the clerk's office and the law books in the William Campbell Libary when it went on "Lockdown" More if you call.

    Thank you,
    Chris M. Pedersen


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