Wednesday, December 13, 2006

It’s Time To Disbar Mike Nifong

The latest revelation in the Duke University rape case is the parade of numerous men’s DNA found in the alleged victim’s underwear that did not include any of the accused Duke lacrosse players. This crucial evidence was apparently not turned over to the defense in a timely fashion as required by long established law (Brady vs. Maryland).

This is just one more in a long line of outrageous examples that showcase prosecutorial misconduct and a concerted effort to deny the defendants their fair day in court. This alone should be a enough basis to remove Nifong and his office from further control of this case. The court can appoint a special prosecutor who would have the power to reinvestigate, reevaluate and dismiss the indictment if that’s what’s warranted.

Should the facts be as they appear, Nifong’s career as a lawyer should end in disbarment. The accused and their family’s money damages are increasing every day since their arrest and indictment. It’s time to cut the losses.


  1. My favorite thing he pulled—He showed that money grubbing whore that she is a photo array with only the Duke Lacrosse team and there were no “filler” pictures in it. So essentially she was going to pick somebody from that team no matter what. Someone with 5 seconds on the job as a police officer could tell you that was incorrect protocol.

    The accused will get a jackpot sum of money (much deserved) for this.

  2. Have to agree with you on this. The prosecutor seems to have his own agenda with this case. Any reasonable person would have dismissed the charges right from the start. And as the first poster mentioned, what's with the photo lineup? I'd like to see the photo array as he mentioned. It was probably a team photo of the Lacrosse players. What a joke.

  3. He was pandering to the minority community. If the girl was white and the Offenders Black this would have been done with a long time ago.

  4. I'll see your disbarment and raise.

    Anyone outside of "law enforcement" would have been charged with crimes like obstruction. Anyone else would be convicted of a felony.

    Probably the best honest citizens can hope for is 1983 litigation, which isn't enough to appropriately penalize this crook.

    And let's not obscure the issue by talking about the morals of the stripper or the race of the electorate. Nifong is the biggest criminal here. He's supposed to uphold the law, not use the legal system to maintain power and a paycheck.

  5. The state of NC should pass a law that allows dishonest DAs to be removed from prosecuting case. There have been too many examples of miscarriage of justice by overreaching prosecuters (The Edenton 7 case for example.


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