Tuesday, December 19, 2006

How Can This Be True?

We’ve spent hundreds of billions of tax dollars and incarcerated millions of Americans over this natural weed. Not only is this the number one cash crop but it also provides untold jobs for law enforcement, court workers, and a huge number of government contractors. Let us not forget paid government snitches.

The drug war has become a joke as millions of illegal aliens are drawn to this country to earn a living in the drug underworld. Have people stopped using marijuana because it’s against the law? How can America’s politicians be so dumb as to believe the drug prohibitions do anything but increase profits of criminals? I hate drug abuse but have learned long ago the Drug War is worse then the drugs themselves. The take for the Marijuana industry alone is $35 billion a year.

1 comment:

  1. In British Columbia Canada, it is estimated that the retail value of in province grown marijuana is CAN$6 billion per year. We have three choices:
    - We can let the government run it and collect the profits
    - We can let the private enterprise run it and collect the profits
    - We can let the criminals run it and collect the profits
    Guess which one we chose, mostly due to US pressure?


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