Wednesday, October 18, 2006

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Brush With Crime

This morning, the good Mayor’s driver was beaten and carjacked by a pair of fine New Jersey citizens. They dumped the Mayor’s car in New Jersey where it was recovered.

Perhaps after the Billionaire Mayor gets a first hand account of personal violence from his own driver he may rethink his stand to strip law-abiding citizens of their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Does Bloomberg really want the law-abiding people defenseless?

It’s time for right to carry concealed weapons permits in New York too.


  1. Excellent! I'm sorry to say that I am glad that crime has struck him close to home, so to speak. Maybe when these liberal anti-gun fanatics get a taste of reality, they will push for legislation that will allow law abiding citizens to legally carry. Everyone knows that gun laws only affect the law abiding citizen.

  2. No, I think hizzoner is a lwas for me but not for thee kinda guy. He'll get a special commission for his driver to allow him to carry, and keep banging the drum for citizen disarmament.
    Just my $.02


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