Sunday, August 27, 2006

New Policing Technique Coming To Your Department!

We all want to find the right way to do police work. Perhaps this is the answer in the new perfected police procedures coming soon to police departments everywhere!


  1. I can just imagine the huge stacks of sex beefs lodged against cops over this new way to do police work!

  2. This is friggin’ gay.. try hugging a perp who has a shotgun to your face.. he'll kiss you with his barrel right on your forehead.. or what’s left of it.. friggin’ homos

  3. Chicago Police Department Rant
    Has our fearless "Commander in Chief", Phil Cline lost total control of the Department or what?
    I think a quick perusal oif the following incidents indicates what many fear to be true.
    1. The SOS scandal that is ongoing, 9-16 coppers gone totally rogue and corrupt and possibly getting indicted shortly.
    2. The racial incident between white SOS officers and black 15th district officers played out in the street almost igniting a riot.
    3. The racial incident in 019 between a white Sgt. AH and officers and a black exempt Commander Matthews and his PO son over an alleged gang member.
    4. OCD corruption and a boiling scandal emerging.
    5. Sexual harrassment scandals involving bosses and lawsuits against the Dept. and city emerging shortly.
    6. Traffic Unit scandals involving graft and sexual favors.
    7. A Vice/Prostitution Unit investigation involving graft and corruption of officers.
    8. 18th District roll call with civilians addressing and berating sworn officers at the Superintendant's behest to appease the masses of Ccabrini residents in an election year. This occurs in front of the District Commander, Watch Commander, and numerous Sgts and PO's.
    9. Coppers getting DUI's in record numbers and involved in a multitude of alcohol related off-duty incidents at an absolutely alarming rate. 1/5 of the CPD now taking anti-depressants and carry firearms, all being sanctioned by the Department.
    10. Coppers/Bosses convicted of crimes getting their assignments back because of ethnic considerations in an election year. Other bosses who have been charged with crimes/felonies sit on the payroll for years with impugnity. Most of these individuals are politically connected and all wear awhite shirt. Whatever happened to that Sgt. who raped that woman out South? He was in the County Jail for several weeks, posted bond and last I heard was still working at ARPS as a supervisor. Unbelievable indicted on multiple felonies, in jail and still working as a boss, only on the CPD. What the fuck Cline?
    11. Critical manpower shortages citywide with redeployment of district manpower on a daily basis to "high crime" areas causin g a serious vaccum in quieter areas. IE. spikes in burglaries, robberies, gang activity, auto theft,etc.
    12. 7th District/Englewood "Just the Tip of the Iceberg Federal Investigation" - gang,graft,drug, robbery scandal.
    Phil you will soon have your time in grade/rank locked in to qualify for that 75% PENSION AT SUPERINTENDANT PAY. Matt will soon be a Lieutenant in a cushy spot and you can salvage what is left of your faltering image by doing us all a great service and retiring ASAP. We don't want, nor do we need anymore of your micromanagent, political appointments, reapportioned manpower, babyface bosses with no experience, bending down to the politicians and "inner cabinent" warfare at 35th St. But, no you wont retire!
    The intoxication of power is too much for you. I guess it is true about what is said at 35th St. about you. If Phil Cline could be both the President and the Pope at the same time he wouldn't have enough power. Your physical image at 372lbs is an absolute joke and a horrendous reflection on the 13,000 Chicago Police Officers you lead. Leave before you have the "Bigone" and it takes you, enjoy life while you have some time left.

  4. Does anyone see the racial firestorm coming? Numerous "Racial Incidents" within the CPD, The Burge Report disclosure, marches in 18 and at City Hall and a primary election just 6 months away.
    CFD not TO be left out, the "INFAMOUS FIREHOUSE PARTY VIDEO" may soon resurrect itself. The Black fireman who filmed and released it Ezra McCann has recntly been written up for having a full beard and ordered to shave it off. He refused to do so, stirring the pot up.
    Unlike CPD there are no shaving profiles on CFD due to the fact that the air mask will not properly seal endangering a fireman's life.
    CFD has a well liked Hispanic (orozco) at the helm replacing a not well liked Afro-American (Cortez Trotter). CPD now having a white (FAT Phil Cline) at eh helm replacing a status quo (Terry Hilliard) The African American community is demanding a "Black" Superintendant. Charlie Williams is making strong attempts to grab the reigns and is building a foundation to do so.
    Maria Maher a Hispanic woman would ba an ideal candidate if it were not for her inadequacies ( micromanager, not well liked by brass or PO's, incompetent and the list goes on)
    Hiram Grau another status quo Hispanic would be well suited but rumor has it there are some "ghosts" in the closet yet to arrise.
    My bet is that Charlie WIlliams will get it as an appeasement to the African American community in an election year. He is also a "real YES SIR" man. Definitely a "ONEWAY Company Man" all the way, 16+ years in IAD. He is the epitome of the perfect political bureaucrat who has built a career on the misery of others beneath him.


  6. Isn't Mecklenburg the rabid "ANTI-GUN, ANTI-2nd AMMENDMENT) NUT??? She attempted to deny retired PO's their Federal right to carry.

  7. Crimefile,
    how about some postings on your site and a little input, you were around for quite awhile in this city. were things this messed up in the 60's?

  8. crimefile,
    put up a list of worthwhile books on chicago and the cpd that you recommend.

  9. Sabian, you got it wrong. It may not have been rape, but regardless the woman (even tho she is a crack ho), could not say NO. She felt threatened by his authority. Yes she was looking for $, and he should have just given it to her and he would not be in this mess. Because he has clout he is still here, you can bet anyone without clout would be long gone.

  10. My family would have been safe, but the intruders families would have been whining and calling me a vigilante killer. The clean up of blood and brain matter in my home would have been a challenge.

    Considering the Liberals in California they’d have tried to put me in prison for defending my home and family the same way New York went after Bernie Goetz after he shot his attackers in the subway.

    This is forty years later and we are dealing with a very different woman who has made a remarkable transformation for the better.

  11. I've got some news for you buddy. Here in the Windy City this is not a new concept. We have replaced the tradional way of policing with a similar method and it's called CAPS. No more arrests for us. If we did, we could possibly offend the offenders and we can't have that now can we? No sir, ever since CAPS was introduced you can say we tossed police work out the window. We are no longer the big,bad,kick ass Chicago Police Department. We are now a feel good liberal social service agency. They just forgot to change the name. Why slap a guy around when you can hug him? Why be the one to give a rapist or a pedophile an ass kicking when you can hug him or remind him that it's not his fault that he is the way he is when we can blame everybody else? Remember the Rodney King thing? Never would have happened here. After we caught him rather than beating the tar out of him, we would have sat around in a circle, held hands and sang kumbya. Welcome to the NEW Chicago Police Department.

  12. Oh my goodness. It looks like British police methods are coming here. No arrest, just admonishment not to be so beastly. See what that has got them (as well as banning all weapons, and I do mean all, as well as the right to self defense.)

  13. The current SOS scandal has national implications and is downright sickening. There are now allegations from within that some members may have committed murders while in the Hurricane Katrina ravaged New Orleans. This has the possibility of exploding on the international scene and could be the end of the Daley regime. This scandal is just in its infancy and now we know why the IAD and the Cook County States Attorney's Office are handling it instead of the Feds.

  14. Expect the Supt. to attempt to improvise some positive CPD headlines in the next week, what a joke..... Your attempt to stiffle the rumor mill by leaking information to the press has backfired.

    Marquette Ten and Phil Cline
    Take a look at this:
    ABC7 I-Team Exclusive: Clearing up Phil Cline's pastTop Cop's undercover work may have caused confusion
    Chuck Goudie
    September 25, 2003 - In an exclusive interview with the I-team acting Chicago police superintendent Phil Cline reveals his past role as a crooked cop in undercover investigations. Cline says mistaken allegations that he was on the take may be slowing the mayor's decision to name the next superintendent.

    Phil Cline has been a Chicago policeman for 33 years. He worked up from patrol duties to become a widely respected and esteemed leader. Since being appointed as acting superintendent last month, and since making the short list of finalists for the job, one period of his police past has come back to haunt him.
    "I'll give you the Harry Truman quote. 'If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.' And that's what it is if you are investigating vicious criminals. They don't play by the rules so one of the things they will do is make false allegations against police officers," Cline said.

    Phil Cline is feeling the heat of allegations made 20 years ago. It started in 1980 on the West Side. Then Sergeant Cline broke up the largest heroin/cocaine operation and arrested a man named, Charles "C.W." Wilson.

    During Wilson's trial, a federal judge questioned the authenticity of dozens of Cline's search warrants and dismissed the related evidence. Cline maintains an investigation later cleared him of falsifying the warrants.

    There were also allegations by defense lawyers that Cline had concocted evidence, stolen money and took bribes --allegations Cline never refuted at trial because he had vowed to take the fifth if called to testify in the case that he himself had supervised.

    "The prosecutor had made some allegations against my team and the FOP attorney that represented us at the time had us not testify," Cline said.

    Nevertheless, drug boss Wilson was convicted and given a lengthy prison sentence. Two years later federal prosecutors recruited the drug lord to testify against a group of crooked Chicago cops known as the Marquette Ten.

    In April of 1982 on the witness stand Wilson added a name to his list of corrupt cops: Phil Cline. Wilson claimed that Cline had taken bribes, sold him drugs and stolen money from him.

    "They're utterly false," Cline said.

    Cline says the allegations were investigated by four law enforcement agencies back then and found to be untrue. Cline has never been charged with any wrongdoing.

    "I locked up Charles Wilson, two of his brothers and his wife. Took 30 cars from him, two buildings that he owned and all his wife's Charles Wilson made those accusations because he was mad at myself and my team," Cline told the I-Team.

    Complicating the Cline legend is that in the early 1980's he says he wanted people to think he was a corrupt cop. It was an undercover role he was playing while working for a brand-new cooperative squad within the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.

    "Phil and I worked undercover together," said Mike DeMarte, the former Drug Enforcement Administration Chief.

    DeMarte was in charge of the D.E.A. Office in Chicago. He and Cline took bribes from a major drug trafficker who was eventually convicted.

    "We posed as corrupt police officers," Cline said.

    Cline says they were so convincing not only the bad guys believed they were crooked cops.

    "I would say at first blush the uninitiated who don't know anything about the investigation might jump to conclusions," DeMarte said.

    "If I had any hesitation about Phil Cline's integrity we would not have used him," said Douglas Roller, the Former Strike Force Director.

    Roller led the organized strike force in Chicago in the early 1980's and supervised Phil Cline's role-playing as a dishonest policeman. Roller says only a few people knew he was under cover.

    "As it turned out the FBI actually thought that Cline was a corrupt cop. When we found that out we, that being myself and the two other strike force lawyers working on the case, had a meeting with the SAC. And basically told them that Cline is undercover on our deal so back off,' Roller said.

    Even today there might be some people that believe from that time that Cline was a corrupt cop?

    "Exactly and that's why I am going on camera to talk to you. Because from my knowledge Cline is an absolutely honest cop," Roller said.

    "I stood by my team then and I'll stand by my team today and I think our record and our integrity speak for themselves," Cline said.

    Since Phil Cline was named a finalist for the superintendent's post some former federal officers tell the I-Team they have called the mayor's office to express concerns about Cline's undercover roles.

    The mayor's office will not reveal when Mr. Daley will announce his choice although it is not expected to be before next week.

  15. Where there is smoke there is fire, sometimes it takes time to really see the smoke in the fog:

    ABC7 I-Team Exclusive: Clearing up Phil Cline's past
    Top Cop's undercover work may have caused confusion
    Chuck Goudie

    September 25, 2003 - In an exclusive interview with the I-team acting Chicago police superintendent Phil Cline reveals his past role as a crooked cop in undercover investigations. Cline says mistaken allegations that he was on the take may be slowing the mayor's decision to name the next superintendent.
    Phil Cline has been a Chicago policeman for 33 years. He worked up from patrol duties to become a widely respected and esteemed leader. Since being appointed as acting superintendent last month, and since making the short list of finalists for the job, one period of his police past has come back to haunt him.

    "I'll give you the Harry Truman quote. 'If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.' And that's what it is if you are investigating vicious criminals. They don't play by the rules so one of the things they will do is make false allegations against police officers," Cline said.

    Phil Cline is feeling the heat of allegations made 20 years ago. It started in 1980 on the West Side. Then Sergeant Cline broke up the largest heroin/cocaine operation and arrested a man named, Charles "C.W." Wilson.

    During Wilson's trial, a federal judge questioned the authenticity of dozens of Cline's search warrants and dismissed the related evidence. Cline maintains an investigation later cleared him of falsifying the warrants.

    There were also allegations by defense lawyers that Cline had concocted evidence, stolen money and took bribes --allegations Cline never refuted at trial because he had vowed to take the fifth if called to testify in the case that he himself had supervised.

    "The prosecutor had made some allegations against my team and the FOP attorney that represented us at the time had us not testify," Cline said.

    Nevertheless, drug boss Wilson was convicted and given a lengthy prison sentence. Two years later federal prosecutors recruited the drug lord to testify against a group of crooked Chicago cops known as the Marquette Ten.

    In April of 1982 on the witness stand Wilson added a name to his list of corrupt cops: Phil Cline. Wilson claimed that Cline had taken bribes, sold him drugs and stolen money from him.

    "They're utterly false," Cline said.

    Cline says the allegations were investigated by four law enforcement agencies back then and found to be untrue. Cline has never been charged with any wrongdoing.

    "I locked up Charles Wilson, two of his brothers and his wife. Took 30 cars from him, two buildings that he owned and all his wife's Charles Wilson made those accusations because he was mad at myself and my team," Cline told the I-Team.

    Complicating the Cline legend is that in the early 1980's he says he wanted people to think he was a corrupt cop. It was an undercover role he was playing while working for a brand-new cooperative squad within the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.

    "Phil and I worked undercover together," said Mike DeMarte, the former Drug Enforcement Administration Chief.

    DeMarte was in charge of the D.E.A. Office in Chicago. He and Cline took bribes from a major drug trafficker who was eventually convicted.

    "We posed as corrupt police officers," Cline said.

    Cline says they were so convincing not only the bad guys believed they were crooked cops.

    "I would say at first blush the uninitiated who don't know anything about the investigation might jump to conclusions," DeMarte said.

    "If I had any hesitation about Phil Cline's integrity we would not have used him," said Douglas Roller, the Former Strike Force Director.

    Roller led the organized strike force in Chicago in the early 1980's and supervised Phil Cline's role-playing as a dishonest policeman. Roller says only a few people knew he was under cover.

    "As it turned out the FBI actually thought that Cline was a corrupt cop. When we found that out we, that being myself and the two other strike force lawyers working on the case, had a meeting with the SAC. And basically told them that Cline is undercover on our deal so back off,' Roller said.

    Even today there might be some people that believe from that time that Cline was a corrupt cop?

    "Exactly and that's why I am going on camera to talk to you. Because from my knowledge Cline is an absolutely honest cop," Roller said.

    "I stood by my team then and I'll stand by my team today and I think our record and our integrity speak for themselves," Cline said.

    Since Phil Cline was named a finalist for the superintendent's post some former federal officers tell the I-Team they have called the mayor's office to express concerns about Cline's undercover roles.

    The mayor's office will not reveal when Mr. Daley will announce his choice although it is not expected to be before next week.

    You can see the ABC7 report by clicking on the video icon at the upper right. You will need Real Player 8 to view this video. You can get it FREE by clicking here. NOTE: Video clips will only be available for 10-days from the date they were created.


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