Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Technical Virgin Fired from PBS Kid's Series

Young Kid’s TV show host Melanie Martinez was fired in a New York second after telling her employer of two-spoof videos she had done as the www.technicalvirgin.com virgin.

The show she hosted for PBS is called, "The Good Night Show" designed to get toddlers ready for bedtime.

"PBS Kids Sprout has determined that the dialogue in this video is inappropriate for her role as a preschool program host and may undermine her character's credibility with our audience," said Sandy Wax, network president.

You never know what can destroy a career. Sit back and relax as you watch both of these exciting video shorts that was a really bad idea.


  1. This is the email that I sent to PBS. I hope they bring her back

    Dear PBS,

    As a father of a toddler, I find it despicable that you would fire Melanie Martinez for such a trivial thing. She has been the voice that soothes my son in his crankiest moments and gets him ready for bed. I feel that Melanie’s past (i.e., the “technical virgin” video) has nothing to do with the person and professional that she is today. IT WAS SPOOF MADE SEVEN YEARS AGO! She is now a mother and has conducted herself in a manner befitting her role as a pre-school entertainer.
    Sandy Wax’s proclamation that “PBS Kids Sprout has determined that the dialogue in this video is inappropriate for her role as a preschool program host and may undermine her character's credibility with our audience” is pure idiocy! The children that watch her program are from the ages of 1 – 5 years old. Melanie’s credibility lies with the parents of these children, not the children themselves. And as such, I have no reason to question her credibility. PBS, and Sandy Wax in particular, have made a HUGE MISTAKE and I am disgusted with it.
    It is a sad day when someone such as Melanie can be FIRED for something this trivial!

    Should PBS choose not to reinstate Melanie Martinez, I will no longer support PBS monetarily or through word of mouth to other new parents.


  2. Bring her back I enjoyed watching her with my son...she is a little hottie!! ;)

  3. Bring her back I enjoyed watching her with my son...she is a little hottie!! ;)


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