Friday, July 21, 2006

Having Fun In Las Vegas Video

Imagine you’re in a Las Vegas and it’s a nice day out as you cruise down the strip in your brand new PT Cruiser. Suddenly you meet a fellow who is trying to impress someone with a video camera. I know scores of Liberal politicians that need to meet this guy in a dark alley where I’d think he’d even be more colorful. (Strong language advisory)


  1. This guy needs a shotgun blast up his ass!

  2. I would have backed over this piece of shit, called the cops, gotten out & retrieved the videotape from the shithole that stood there & tape it.....true meaning of the term n#%@*r..

  3. Hey don't be disrepectful of Georgia Congresswoma Cynthia Mikinney's new lover! She will punish you!

  4. this $#!+head needs a lesson from LAPD or NYPD

  5. Was that Marrion Barry?

  6. This Guy is what we Italians call a SCOOMBADEE. In english ,it means (A Scum Bag).You know a bag that you throw up in.A useless piece of crap.

  7. The saddest thing is that when the police get there, beat his ass and taze him, the media would report it as the police being the bad guys. and asshole in the blue car would probably blame the police too. I would have ran him over too.

  8. Do that to my vehicle while I always, legally, carry my Sig Sauer, model P229, .40 caliber, and see if you do it again!!!!???

  9. This guy's first major felony crime is breathing MY air! He'd be fun to toss into a wood chipper feet first so he can enjoy his punishment!

  10. What a shame that the police wouldn't do anything about this. They would ask the driver of the car if she wanted them to talk to him. Why you ask? The cops are busy on Paradise Road giving cab drivers speeding tickets. They are afraid of this kind of thing.

  11. This guy needs to be shot to death.Hopefully he wont multiply. Sure would have been good if the driver of the PT Cruiser had a handgun with him...Thinning of the herd.

  12. Killing this f*cker is too simple. He thinks he's the sh*t, but he isn't worthy to wipe my ass.

    I won't shoot him in the head, I'd shoot out his legs, and then his arms, completely incapacitating him. After that, I'll be "creative". Pliers come to mind. I see he's already missing two teeth, why not take the rest?

    It's just a shame that once you do kill this slimeball, the news will only show his 8th grade graduation picture, and then show his crying momma talking about how "Mah baby was going to turn his life around before that racist killed him."

  13. OPD says tripple tap... Two shots to the chest and one in the head. Dead people dont sue!!Remember the common rule { I would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6} Word to live by!!


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