Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Another Hilarious Production By Arizona’s Sheriff Joe Arpaio

He’s still the first and only Arizona Sheriff arresting illegal immigrants. Now Sheriff Joe taken his efforts to a new level of cruel and unusual punishment aimed at those who dare violate our borders.

So far Sheriff Joe has collected over a thousand sneaky border crossers and has handed them pink underwear and housed them in tents.

Yesterday, Sheriff Joe ordered Fourth of July musical favorites such as our National Anthem and Kate Smith’s rendition of God Bless America be repetitively played for the hapless immigrant prisoners on loudspeakers throughtout the day. I’m sure the musical serenade left quite an impression on Sheriff Joe’s Tent City Jail guests.

According to the Sheriff’s spokesperson the Sheriff has ordered that the National Anthem be played every morning and evening on a permanent basis.

I’m sure the good folks at Amnesty International are scratching their heads this morning trying to figure a way to stop this heinous form of torture.


  1. about time someone had the balls to do something right. Whats so bad about the Star Spangled Banner and God Bless America. This is America, right?

  2. Why the hell not, this is still Amerifa, ilsn't it????

  3. ^5!!!!!!

    We need someone like HIM to run the CPD. No wait, to run our city!!!!

  4. So what is it that keeps the rest of the country from doing the same? Oh, I know...their PC pussies! Go Joe! The only cop in the US with the spine to do what is right.


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