That headline conjures images of the Pop Princess wearing handcuffs and doing the “perp walk” with a police escort. It’s also a cheap way for sleazy news organizations to lure viewers and readers.
The L.A. County Department of Children and Family services sent social workers and Sheriff’s deputies to do a routine investigation of the circumstances or the skull fracture suffered by her seven month-old son, Sean.
A state law mandates that hospitals make notifications to the welfare agency anytime a child is injured under parental control prompted the investigation. The investigation proved once again that children are made of rubber or none of us would have ever become adults. No wrongdoing was discovered.
It’s got to be traumatic enough to deal with an injury to a child, get treatment and deal with the welfare bureaucrats. I can’t imagine what it must be like to deal with the speculation, innuendo and hype generated because Britney Spears is a Pop Princess. In the absence of criminal conduct this is really a non-story.
1 comment:
But in the wake of the *first* investigation of Ms. Spears' parenting, occasioned by her driving down PCH with the then-5-month-old Sean Preston Federline unrestrained on her lap, can't you see why DFS might take an interest in an emergency room visit not two months later by the same family? (If she weren't famous, it wouldn't even merit press coverage, but she'd sure as heck still get the visit from the state of CA, as she should.)
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