Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Yet Another Really Ugly Video Tape-This Time Of A Police Shooting.

CHINO, Calif. – A San Bernardino deputy shot a passenger of a car involved in a chase several times as the man appeared to be following the deputy’s instructions. The passenger was an unarmed, active duty Air Force policeman. A neighbor shot the videotape. It looks like an attempted execution and a trip to federal court for the deputy.

Story and video.

KTLA-TV broadcast the tape this morning but did not post it on their web site. I saw it and it's as bad as any I've seen. The Sheriff has the original tape and is not releasing it.

Update 11:30 pm.- FYI-The FBI has taken over the shooting investigation today.


  1. o, ok I'm first!

  2. How do you figure it "looks like an execution"? I watched the news clip and heard nothing of the sort, other than allegations from the offender's family members.

    As the news reported, the vehicle was fleeing, there were two occupants, and the passenger allegedly reached into his pocket for something. Possibly an MP badge.

    The way I see it, the officer feared for his life, as he was outnumbered and one subject was reaching for what could have been a weapon. How is his shooting the guy an attempted execution???

    Perhaps you should wait for the investigation to be completed before making ridiculous statements. After all, do you really think a copper is going to shoot and kill someone for no legitimate reason. I know I wouldn't.

  3. It’s not the call of a reporter to interpret what’s on the tape. I’m a commentator on this blog so I’m free to do so.

    First let me say that the Internet makes the quality of this already grainy tape worse. I saw the broadcast version on a really good TV.

    Both hands of the passengers are in clear view and he was responding to the command to get up given by the deputy. No fast moves were made. It’s fair to say this case is going to be decided by a jury.

    I posted this so we all can learn and not wind up in the hot seat like the deputy here.

  4. Then why don't you post the actual video so we can see what actually happened?

  5. If he's an MP, why did he run?

  6. He never ran. He was a passenger in the Corvette. Had he been driving your question would be important.

    At the time he was blasted, he was doing exactly what the deputy wanted and being non-threatening.

    Lets wait and watch as this one slowly unfolds...

  7. Amazing how a little authority can go to ones head isn't it?


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